2012:  Busy at Home and Abroad

We are ferry-bound to the Isle Of Mann on a Leargas Exchange: a joint production of Footloose in the Gaiety Theatre, Douglas.

“Can’t sing, can’t dance but we’re set to go a long way!” 

GYT takes part in the Living History Youth Initiative Project, gathering facts and history of the village, supported by Leargas and Kildare County Council.

“We are building a copper trunk with the help of artist Fifi Smith. The truly unique copper trunk, which we started in 2011, will exhibit pictures from Ballitore’s past and our hopes for the future. It has been inspired by the trunks/suitcases the boarders in the Quaker school (founded by Abraham Shackleton in 1726) used.”

–      Niamh Corcoran, leader on the project


Alice in Wonderland 

The Three Musketeers adapted by John Chambers:

 In Quest of A Play by Geraldine O Neill (Riverbank Arts Centre)

It Only Ever Happens in the Movies by John Taite and Mikel Murfi:


