2020: So you think we took a break during Covid-19?

How to keep going with Zoom, Zoom, Zoom and dodgy internet connections? This is a whole new experience, drama online and can the dads please stop coming into the kitchen to make a cup of tea in the middle of class?

With the help of CKLP we make The Secret To Making Theatre, an online resource. We hand write letters and send gifts to members by post. We are trying to stay connected. We hold classes in open spaces when allowed, in the field behind the Meeting House and the Tanyard.

Griese Youth Theatre celebrate 21 years of youth theatre with an archival project in the Meeting House in Ballitore curated by Dee Burke, Emily Vaughan and members of GYT – socially distanced project, of course.


Sleeping Beauty Panto by Warren McWilliams

A Children’s Christmas Carol for live streaming

 Winter Solstice live streamed concert:


