2017: A Cinema for Ballitore

Ballitore Young Film Makers was set up, sadly it wasn't to survive Covid.

The village once had its own cinema down Cockpit Lane, the Picture House. It was here that Gabriel Byrne saw his first Alfred Hitchcock movie and developed his love for acting:

dear leish

As you know ballytore is a very special place to me   

It is the village in which my father was born.

I saw my very first film there in the old cinema as a six year old.

My parents and sister are buried in the local graveyard.

I've returned there every year of my life and observed its many ups and downs 

However, a most exciting event occurred when you founded your drama group some years ago, and changed the cultural trajectory of the town in the most profound way

You might think I exaggerate. But how can you put a price on the nurturing of the creative lives of young people?

 Through drama, and subsequent exposure to the world of ideas, a consciousness is formed which changes the way we think about who we are as individuals, and as a society

 Creative interaction fosters tolerance and compassion

It helps us to appreciate the complexity of what it means to be human; to work in harmony with others for a common cause. It teaches us curiosity and how to think critically………

 Sincerely Gabriel

GYT and Kildare Young Film Makers, Leixlip shoot a short film with director John Conway. 


Zero For The Young Dudes! by Alister Mc Dowall

The Elves and the Shoemaker by Karen Boettcher-Tate

Strawberries in Winter adapted by Mrs Evelyn Merrit from Alexander Chodzko.


